Sunday, February 24, 2008

Schizotypal Personality

Have I encountered demonic forces, spirits, other dimensional entities, and/or aliens?
Have I been caught up in some sort of occult experiment, been brainwashed and mind controlled? Has some evil force taken over the world & infiltrated our governments?
Is the majority of the world asleep????
What is reality anyways and do my questions and beliefs along with my experiences and the years of digging and research all boil down too a personality disorder... or something else?
I guess that all depends on your perspective.
With all the different religions and belief systems out there, all the philosophical ideas, all the diversity of awareness, all the scientific research into the unknown and government research and departments devoted to the study of parapsychology, remote viewing and psychic warfare... well, I don't really think my beliefs mean I have a personality disorder!
Obviously being isolated from others who share the same ideas has been difficult, along with the experiences I had on the physical and subconscious level, but I am pleased too have an alternative view of the world.
The part which has caused me the greatest pain and difficulty keeping my chin up has been the lack of support and understanding from people around me as I was growing up, concerning my curiosity towards my own spirituality and my unique perceptions of the world around me.
I grew up with a great deal of anxiety and feelings of being isolated from normal reality and very alone.
I will write more on this later, for now there is a household to run.
I will end with this link I found to be of great interest due to my new diagnosis.

Do you believe in UFOs and alien abductions? You may be suffering from the Schizotypal Personality Disorder.

TTFN! ~ Jenn

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Pabos Quebec (Photos)

I recieved a call yesterday concerning a UFO sighting in Pabos from some family members.
It was described as a black sphere which floated on the water for a long while, then floated up into the air and vanished, it was seen again later on floating on the water. The object went up above the tree lines and vanished a second time. I drove to the area where the object was spotted and didn't see anything myself, but did get some nice photos.
The green spots in the images are sun reflections ;)

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The UFO Warning System?

The UFO Warning System?

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Karla Turner

A Very Important Link to Check Out...

You can read her books on-line for FREE!
Into The Fringe, Masquerade Of Angels & Taken: Inside The Alien Human Agenda

You can also watch her very important lectures she gave before her unfortunate death.

Dr. Karla Turner died of cancer on January 10, 1996, after being threatened for her work. She was just 48. Since then, several other people involved in UFO investigation have also experienced threats followed by highly unusual cancers. ~

There is tons of information for abductees to concider on the Karlar Turner website.
It is not about makeing money, it is about getting the truth out and help for the experiencers.

Please fell free to leave comments here on what you think about the subject and the information presented. There is much to think about!

PEACE! ~ Jenn