Monday, November 24, 2008

New Dream.

I had another dream of an older woman, this time much older.
We were sitting in her livingroom listening to the radio.
There was an announcment that we now have absolut proof of the existance of aliens and that they have been here for a long time. She asked me why I was so excited, as I have always known that they are here. I told her, I was excited because I wouldn't have to feel crazy anymore. The truth was at last out!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Project Camelot interviews Miriam Delicado

I think I found the woman whom I met in my dream the other night!!! (Posted Below)
Her story fits the story I was told in the dream, she is maybe a bit younger looking but the dream was somewhat foggy. I have never seen Miriam or heard of her before tonight and or before watching this video, but near then end, maybe looking at her necklace, my dream popped out at me. I will watch this one again.

Miriam Blue Star: Project Camelot interviews Miriam Delicado

Friday, November 21, 2008

Double UFO dream

Last night I had many dreams but what I remember most was meeting an older woman(I think with white hair) who was telling me of her alien & UFO encounters in some other country (I can't remember which). She was writing a book and I was really excited to meet her and hear her story. She seemed like an old friend. I think we were in line at a coffee shop.
My hubby also had a dream last night, he was driving the car at night and saw an orb in the sky. He was trying to find his phone to take a pic but couldn't find it. Then many orbs filled the sky and one had multicolored lights flashing on it.

I find it funny that whenever we have dreams of sightings we can't find the camera or get it to work. And on the rare occasions we have UFO dreams, it's usually on the same night.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Quick Update

Got through the Halloween rush, now just trying to take things easy and sort a few things out. I have been doing much thinking, much work on balancing my energy.
My energy has been very low, I guess dreams are keeping me busy.
Will update very soon!I have always tried to keep a distance from Reptilian type E.T information, but lately have been led in that direction. This will take some strength and preperations of mind.
Love N' Light! PEACE! ~ Jenn