About Me:
One of the reasons I began joining, working with and creating groups and sites, searching for answers about UFOs and beings from other planets, was because of my own Strange Encounters.
I have been seeking answers for over 30 years. I am still searching and suspect I will always be searching for one answer after another, from this life into the next.
I am trying to figure out the best way for me to express my opinion without adding to more confusion on the subject matter at hand.
I am not an investigator, or scientist, or a great writer... I am a stay home mom who has had a really strange life, and an armchair researcher with a very odd obsession... Aliens or Star People you could say.
My experiences are average to some, fantastic to others but mostly difficult for the everyday person to believe or understand. Some want to believe, some don't, some won't, some can't, others just know... they are out there, and they are here, and we need to meet them in peace, love and understanding.
The truth needs to come out now, because we have been totally taken for a ride, we need to make a massive change across the globe.
It's actually very simple to make a change, and yet it's not because, some want to believe, some don't, some won't, some think they can't, while others just know and wait and try to aid in the awakening while fighting off fear from all directions and trying not to loose sight in the process.
There is so much disinformation out there; I am trying to make sense of it all myself, trying to separate fact from fiction, its a thin Vail reality is.
Fear is what we are all up against, not an alien invasion... it's our own people using mind control, brainwashing, manipulation and lies to dumb us down and turn us into slaves, hide the truth from us, and I think... they intend to make us fear anything that is truly spiritual and wonderful, including the truth about ourselves and off world Beings.
Honestly, as much as I long for the truth... if an alien walked in here right now I would be really frightened, but I think it is only because I have been programmed that way, to be afraid... but I really don't think they are negative at all... at least not all of them.
I live in Quebec, in Canada, & was born in Montreal in 1971. I was adopted and reunited at 25 with my biological family which gave me confirmation that my experiences where hereditary and real.
I am beginning to uncover some interesting things about my past, my life and my destiny.
I feel that even though my experiences were traumatic, they helped me to grow and open up to new ideas and a realization of self, the ability to separate God from religion and to fit aliens into the great tapestry of life and my conscience reality.
I know some may surf in and think... what's she all on about... but I just hope people will keep an open mind and really do some research into what is going on here. You can't just scratch the surface on this, you need to dig deep, and even deeper into yourselves.
I am looking into the possibility of hypnotherapy to get to the bottom of some of my experiences.
I am waiting to hear back from The Quebecoise Association of Ufology.
I had also gone to see a psychologist, she told me some stuff, & said I am not crazy. We had done some tests and she thinks maybe it is possible something happened to me, but nothing she could write on her report.
For now, I will try to write about the things that happened to me, and my thoughts on what is going on, and how I feel about different people in the main stream & their views on the alien topic, and of course any dreams or experiences I may have in the future.
Such a wonderful planet we have, lets not let it go to hell, lets wake up and do something, even if it is just giving a nudge & awakening the person next to us, one soul at a time.
Brightest Blessings!
~ Jenigma