Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Strange Star Light!
This star did the same thing as the one I saw last week a few posts down.
It was so bright I thought it was a plane till it dimmed and stoped flashing and only then did I realized I was looking at a star and not a plane.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Oct 12th 08 UFO
Something big in the sky on October 12th, I thought it was a plane flashing red blue and white lights, but it didn't move. It faded out a bit after a while then looked like a regular star.
I was shakeing when I took the photos, it was so cold, thats why they look the way they do, but when it was at full brightness it looked amazing!
Haven't seen it since, but its been cloudy.
My Dream Plays Out!
My dream played out now didn't it?!
First posted on Oct 5th then reposted on October 8th...
There was a grey ship...
I looked up, I felt so much love and joy and happyness,
I was trying to take photos but my camara wasnt working good,
or I was too excited to get a good shot.
I went down a dark alley, at the end was a park or parking lot
with a few trees & surrounded by high buildings
(not like where I am now, this was a city).
I saw a beautiful lightship surrounded by a purplish pink glow.
I zoomed in to get a good look wih my camara...
the bottom had some amazing light show of geometrical shapes and patterns,
(which I later heard the ship would look like on another video by Zingdad,
he described the same thing.)
It was really great but then a flash of light and people began to run away.
A little grey being had beamed down and people were running from it.
I got scaired too (I think from other peoples reactions).
Then I became very angry and disapointed toward the grey, I felt a deception.
I should have stayed and not run away... maybe the grey had good intentions,
I am not pleased with my reaction, its what I am trying to overcome,FEAR.
There could be more then one meaning to this dream, but basically the symbolism played out. I think the end of the dream is really important, its how we react now, towards Blossom and towards the people who are running away in fear or who are not ready yet and towards ourselves. This is a chance for us to learn and prepare for a real 1st contact. PEACE LOVE AND LIGHT TO ALL, And To BLOSSOM!
Blossom Goodchild updates 16th October
So Much To Learn From This Video!!!
I wasn't to disapointed about the Lightship NOT arriving, I had my own dreams that are beginning to make sense now, I still have hope... but I am truley deeply moved by this video and feeling great empathy for Blossom. I am disapointed in the reactions of some people before and after Oct 14th, I am disapointed that this has happened to Blossom and she feels like she has been made a fool of. I bet our reactions are being watched from above right now, maybe this is a test?!
My heart goes out to Blossom... Love & Light!
I had seen something on Oct 12th... got some bad pics but I will post about it later today.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
No UFO's... What NOW?
Video Info:
"Grab a cuppa or two, you may need them! My 'slightly lengthy' response post Oct 14th prediction...
I want to thank everyone for the support and love that has been shown to me.
I am honoured that so many are open to the possibilities and the potential we can all create when we come together.
Sorry for the long video but I felt it was very important to remind us of the valuable lessons we can all learn from this experience so that we can move forward powerful and united together as one consciousness wanting love and freedom.
We all have the power to be the change we all want to experience so keep your vibrations high and choose the thoughts that make you feel good.
Everything is a choice.
Choose to be well. " ~ David Childerely
A Reminder!
a reminder that we need to give ourselves more credit for what we can and cannot handle as a collective on this planet.
The world didn't fall apart when a Lightship or UFO appeared for 3 HOURS, over busy downtown Montreal in 1990!!!! Have No Fear!!!!
UFO over Montreal downtown, Canada, 1990 (video 1)
UFO over Montreal downtown, Canada, 1990 (video 2)
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
12am October 15
Oh well... delays delays.
It made the daily Star in the UK!
Glad I didn't place any bets, lol.
But I still believe in my own dream that SOON (whatever soon means to these guys)
the world will know of their existance.
I wasn't given any dates to complicate things and I had the dream at the end of last winter.
My first thoughts were that this October 14th event would be lumped into my catagory of debunker cannon fodder, like I believe the Peckeman "Alien In The Window" video we never saw and the recent "Bigfoot Hoax" was. Only so many times you can blame swamp gas and weather balloons, they needed some new material. A release and ridicule tactic... maybe Blossom Goodchild got some bad info from some deceptive energies. I don't see why she would risk so much just to sell a book... it doesn't make sense. Even if it was profitable (which I don't know), theres still the backlash which may become harsh. If it was a willfull deception, poor woman, I forgive her. I am still watching the skies, and still hope something happens.
If it is a matter of not enough of the world being prepared or ready for this, then send us believers a shared telepathic unified vision during dreamtime, something we can all talk about. Obviously there are many not ready... from what I have read in some of the messages and comments floating around in groups and blogs and forums on this subject. Some people are so scaired and hateful towards those who belive or want to believe that its bewildering, and also obvious why this event might not take place.
David Wilcock sums it up well on is site in a comment he made on the 13th due to overwhelming emails. I will leave you with that! Don't give up! PEACE!
Why Nothing Happened on October 14th
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Space Craft From My Dream
UFO Dream (Copied from my blog):
Sun Oct 5th/08
Some time last night (or in the wee hours of the mornin) I had another UFO dream.There was a mass night time sighting over a city, many different types of craft.I was excited and trying to get a few photos with my camera.I was very happy to see them, though my camera was not working to great.I ran down an alley and there was a park. It was very dark but in the sky above there was a purple glow. I zoomed in with my camera and it was beautiful, it was the bottom of a craft with absolutely stunning geometric shapes and patterns. Something dropped from the craft to the ground, or was beamed down. People started running and screaming, it was a grey. I began to run away as well and all of a sudden felt panic.I am not sure if the grey frightened me, or if it was the way people were running and screaming. It had almost caught up to me and I woke up. I wish I didn't run!
Evening sighting:It is evening now, my son just got home and said he saw two lights in the sky, they moved slowly at first and then zipped away. Lots of that lately!Something is brewing!
UPDATE:Due to recent revelations of things, I believe my dream was meant as a way to make me fear a possible major Saucer sighting on October 14th 2008. Or I haven't interpreted it correctly.One of my big questions has been who to trust, which aliens have a positive intent towards us?The dream was very positive, I felt much love when I saw the 1st ship, it was a freeing feeling.The second ship also had a vibration of love and happiness, it was only at the end when the grey appeared from what seemed to be the lightship (out of a flash of light), that I became fearful and upset then woke up. I didn't stick around to see if it was friendly. It may have been a distraction from the true meaning.
I have recently been guided to a blog and video which brought out my dream (posted below) for me.
"Adamu" through Zingdad:planetary first contact PART ONE
"Adamu" through Zingdad:planetary first contact PART TWO