UFO Dream (Copied from my blog):
Sun Oct 5th/08
Some time last night (or in the wee hours of the mornin) I had another UFO dream.There was a mass night time sighting over a city, many different types of craft.I was excited and trying to get a few photos with my camera.I was very happy to see them, though my camera was not working to great.I ran down an alley and there was a park. It was very dark but in the sky above there was a purple glow. I zoomed in with my camera and it was beautiful, it was the bottom of a craft with absolutely stunning geometric shapes and patterns. Something dropped from the craft to the ground, or was beamed down. People started running and screaming, it was a grey. I began to run away as well and all of a sudden felt panic.I am not sure if the grey frightened me, or if it was the way people were running and screaming. It had almost caught up to me and I woke up. I wish I didn't run!
Evening sighting:It is evening now, my son just got home and said he saw two lights in the sky, they moved slowly at first and then zipped away. Lots of that lately!Something is brewing!
UPDATE:Due to recent revelations of things, I believe my dream was meant as a way to make me fear a possible major Saucer sighting on October 14th 2008. Or I haven't interpreted it correctly.One of my big questions has been who to trust, which aliens have a positive intent towards us?The dream was very positive, I felt much love when I saw the 1st ship, it was a freeing feeling.The second ship also had a vibration of love and happiness, it was only at the end when the grey appeared from what seemed to be the lightship (out of a flash of light), that I became fearful and upset then woke up. I didn't stick around to see if it was friendly. It may have been a distraction from the true meaning.
I have recently been guided to a blog and video which brought out my dream (posted below) for me.
"Adamu" through Zingdad:planetary first contact PART ONE
"Adamu" through Zingdad:planetary first contact PART TWO