Tuesday, October 14, 2008

12am October 15

Well, so far no giant spaceship...
Oh well... delays delays.
It made the daily Star in the UK!
Glad I didn't place any bets, lol.
But I still believe in my own dream that SOON (whatever soon means to these guys)
the world will know of their existance.
I wasn't given any dates to complicate things and I had the dream at the end of last winter.
My first thoughts were that this October 14th event would be lumped into my catagory of debunker cannon fodder, like I believe the Peckeman "Alien In The Window" video we never saw and the recent "Bigfoot Hoax" was. Only so many times you can blame swamp gas and weather balloons, they needed some new material. A release and ridicule tactic... maybe Blossom Goodchild got some bad info from some deceptive energies. I don't see why she would risk so much just to sell a book... it doesn't make sense. Even if it was profitable (which I don't know), theres still the backlash which may become harsh. If it was a willfull deception, poor woman, I forgive her. I am still watching the skies, and still hope something happens.
If it is a matter of not enough of the world being prepared or ready for this, then send us believers a shared telepathic unified vision during dreamtime, something we can all talk about. Obviously there are many not ready... from what I have read in some of the messages and comments floating around in groups and blogs and forums on this subject. Some people are so scaired and hateful towards those who belive or want to believe that its bewildering, and also obvious why this event might not take place.
David Wilcock sums it up well on is site in a comment he made on the 13th due to overwhelming emails. I will leave you with that! Don't give up! PEACE!
Why Nothing Happened on October 14th