My dream played out now didn't it?!
First posted on Oct 5th then reposted on October 8th...
There was a grey ship...

I looked up, I felt so much love and joy and happyness,
I was trying to take photos but my camara wasnt working good,
or I was too excited to get a good shot.
I went down a dark alley, at the end was a park or parking lot
with a few trees & surrounded by high buildings
(not like where I am now, this was a city).
I saw a beautiful lightship surrounded by a purplish pink glow.

I zoomed in to get a good look wih my camara...
the bottom had some amazing light show of geometrical shapes and patterns,
(which I later heard the ship would look like on another video by Zingdad,
he described the same thing.)
It was really great but then a flash of light and people began to run away.
A little grey being had beamed down and people were running from it.
I got scaired too (I think from other peoples reactions).
Then I became very angry and disapointed toward the grey, I felt a deception.
I should have stayed and not run away... maybe the grey had good intentions,
I am not pleased with my reaction, its what I am trying to overcome,FEAR.
There could be more then one meaning to this dream, but basically the symbolism played out. I think the end of the dream is really important, its how we react now, towards Blossom and towards the people who are running away in fear or who are not ready yet and towards ourselves. This is a chance for us to learn and prepare for a real 1st contact. PEACE LOVE AND LIGHT TO ALL, And To BLOSSOM!