Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Web Link: Jessica Mystic!
She has a wonderful positive outlook which we all need!
Thanks for shareing your story and wisdom Jessica! :)
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Dream of Women.
I wonder why I keep dreaming of these two women and who are they?
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
My Strange Encounters
Part 2
Monday, November 24, 2008
New Dream.
We were sitting in her livingroom listening to the radio.
There was an announcment that we now have absolut proof of the existance of aliens and that they have been here for a long time. She asked me why I was so excited, as I have always known that they are here. I told her, I was excited because I wouldn't have to feel crazy anymore. The truth was at last out!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Project Camelot interviews Miriam Delicado
Her story fits the story I was told in the dream, she is maybe a bit younger looking but the dream was somewhat foggy. I have never seen Miriam or heard of her before tonight and or before watching this video, but near then end, maybe looking at her necklace, my dream popped out at me. I will watch this one again.
Miriam Blue Star: Project Camelot interviews Miriam Delicado
Friday, November 21, 2008
Double UFO dream
My hubby also had a dream last night, he was driving the car at night and saw an orb in the sky. He was trying to find his phone to take a pic but couldn't find it. Then many orbs filled the sky and one had multicolored lights flashing on it.
I find it funny that whenever we have dreams of sightings we can't find the camera or get it to work. And on the rare occasions we have UFO dreams, it's usually on the same night.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Quick Update
My energy has been very low, I guess dreams are keeping me busy.
Will update very soon!I have always tried to keep a distance from Reptilian type E.T information, but lately have been led in that direction. This will take some strength and preperations of mind.
Love N' Light! PEACE! ~ Jenn
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Strange Star Light!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Oct 12th 08 UFO

Something big in the sky on October 12th, I thought it was a plane flashing red blue and white lights, but it didn't move. It faded out a bit after a while then looked like a regular star.
I was shakeing when I took the photos, it was so cold, thats why they look the way they do, but when it was at full brightness it looked amazing!
Haven't seen it since, but its been cloudy.
My Dream Plays Out!
My dream played out now didn't it?!
First posted on Oct 5th then reposted on October 8th...
There was a grey ship...

I looked up, I felt so much love and joy and happyness,
I was trying to take photos but my camara wasnt working good,
or I was too excited to get a good shot.
I went down a dark alley, at the end was a park or parking lot
with a few trees & surrounded by high buildings
(not like where I am now, this was a city).
I saw a beautiful lightship surrounded by a purplish pink glow.

I zoomed in to get a good look wih my camara...
the bottom had some amazing light show of geometrical shapes and patterns,
(which I later heard the ship would look like on another video by Zingdad,
he described the same thing.)
It was really great but then a flash of light and people began to run away.
A little grey being had beamed down and people were running from it.
I got scaired too (I think from other peoples reactions).
Then I became very angry and disapointed toward the grey, I felt a deception.
I should have stayed and not run away... maybe the grey had good intentions,
I am not pleased with my reaction, its what I am trying to overcome,FEAR.
There could be more then one meaning to this dream, but basically the symbolism played out. I think the end of the dream is really important, its how we react now, towards Blossom and towards the people who are running away in fear or who are not ready yet and towards ourselves. This is a chance for us to learn and prepare for a real 1st contact. PEACE LOVE AND LIGHT TO ALL, And To BLOSSOM!
Blossom Goodchild updates 16th October
So Much To Learn From This Video!!!
I wasn't to disapointed about the Lightship NOT arriving, I had my own dreams that are beginning to make sense now, I still have hope... but I am truley deeply moved by this video and feeling great empathy for Blossom. I am disapointed in the reactions of some people before and after Oct 14th, I am disapointed that this has happened to Blossom and she feels like she has been made a fool of. I bet our reactions are being watched from above right now, maybe this is a test?!
My heart goes out to Blossom... Love & Light!
I had seen something on Oct 12th... got some bad pics but I will post about it later today.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
No UFO's... What NOW?
Video Info:
"Grab a cuppa or two, you may need them! My 'slightly lengthy' response post Oct 14th prediction...
I want to thank everyone for the support and love that has been shown to me.
I am honoured that so many are open to the possibilities and the potential we can all create when we come together.
Sorry for the long video but I felt it was very important to remind us of the valuable lessons we can all learn from this experience so that we can move forward powerful and united together as one consciousness wanting love and freedom.
We all have the power to be the change we all want to experience so keep your vibrations high and choose the thoughts that make you feel good.
Everything is a choice.
Choose to be well. " ~ David Childerely
A Reminder!
a reminder that we need to give ourselves more credit for what we can and cannot handle as a collective on this planet.
The world didn't fall apart when a Lightship or UFO appeared for 3 HOURS, over busy downtown Montreal in 1990!!!! Have No Fear!!!!
UFO over Montreal downtown, Canada, 1990 (video 1)
UFO over Montreal downtown, Canada, 1990 (video 2)
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
12am October 15
Oh well... delays delays.
It made the daily Star in the UK!
Glad I didn't place any bets, lol.
But I still believe in my own dream that SOON (whatever soon means to these guys)
the world will know of their existance.
I wasn't given any dates to complicate things and I had the dream at the end of last winter.
My first thoughts were that this October 14th event would be lumped into my catagory of debunker cannon fodder, like I believe the Peckeman "Alien In The Window" video we never saw and the recent "Bigfoot Hoax" was. Only so many times you can blame swamp gas and weather balloons, they needed some new material. A release and ridicule tactic... maybe Blossom Goodchild got some bad info from some deceptive energies. I don't see why she would risk so much just to sell a book... it doesn't make sense. Even if it was profitable (which I don't know), theres still the backlash which may become harsh. If it was a willfull deception, poor woman, I forgive her. I am still watching the skies, and still hope something happens.
If it is a matter of not enough of the world being prepared or ready for this, then send us believers a shared telepathic unified vision during dreamtime, something we can all talk about. Obviously there are many not ready... from what I have read in some of the messages and comments floating around in groups and blogs and forums on this subject. Some people are so scaired and hateful towards those who belive or want to believe that its bewildering, and also obvious why this event might not take place.
David Wilcock sums it up well on is site in a comment he made on the 13th due to overwhelming emails. I will leave you with that! Don't give up! PEACE!
Why Nothing Happened on October 14th
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Space Craft From My Dream

UFO Dream (Copied from my blog):
Sun Oct 5th/08
Some time last night (or in the wee hours of the mornin) I had another UFO dream.There was a mass night time sighting over a city, many different types of craft.I was excited and trying to get a few photos with my camera.I was very happy to see them, though my camera was not working to great.I ran down an alley and there was a park. It was very dark but in the sky above there was a purple glow. I zoomed in with my camera and it was beautiful, it was the bottom of a craft with absolutely stunning geometric shapes and patterns. Something dropped from the craft to the ground, or was beamed down. People started running and screaming, it was a grey. I began to run away as well and all of a sudden felt panic.I am not sure if the grey frightened me, or if it was the way people were running and screaming. It had almost caught up to me and I woke up. I wish I didn't run!
Evening sighting:It is evening now, my son just got home and said he saw two lights in the sky, they moved slowly at first and then zipped away. Lots of that lately!Something is brewing!
UPDATE:Due to recent revelations of things, I believe my dream was meant as a way to make me fear a possible major Saucer sighting on October 14th 2008. Or I haven't interpreted it correctly.One of my big questions has been who to trust, which aliens have a positive intent towards us?The dream was very positive, I felt much love when I saw the 1st ship, it was a freeing feeling.The second ship also had a vibration of love and happiness, it was only at the end when the grey appeared from what seemed to be the lightship (out of a flash of light), that I became fearful and upset then woke up. I didn't stick around to see if it was friendly. It may have been a distraction from the true meaning.
I have recently been guided to a blog and video which brought out my dream (posted below) for me.
"Adamu" through Zingdad:planetary first contact PART ONE
"Adamu" through Zingdad:planetary first contact PART TWO
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
The lost eye of Amenhotep III
"After 36 years of globetrotting the lost eye of Amenhotep III is back in its homeland"
When I clicked on the link my virus scan sounded the alarm and poped up infront of the image. I had to click on the site about 5 x to save the image and artical. I hope I didn't get the virus... but I had to share this one!!! The EYE of Amenhotep 3!! An Alien Eye?

After 36 years of globetrotting the lost eye of Amenhotep III is back in its homeland
Amenhotep III -- his name means Amun is Satisfied -- succeeded to the throne on the death of his father Thutmose IV. Much of his reign was spent consolidating the home base, strengthening Egypt's borders and in construction. He was one of the great Pharaonic builders.
Though many of Amenhotep III's building projects no longer exist, his makeover of Karnak Temples has survived, including embellishments to the already monumental Temple of Amun, the new East Temple to the sun god and his own festival building. He had his workers dismantle the peristyle court in front of the Fourth Pylon and the shrines associated with it, using them to fill for a new pylon on the east- west axis. At the south end of Karnak he began construction on the Tenth Pylon and to balance the south temple complex he built a new shrine to Maat, daughter of the sun-god.
At Luxor Temple his innovations include building the colonnaded court, a masterpiece of balance for which credit should be given to Amenhotep's architect.
In 1970, during routine excavations in the area of Amenhotep's mortuary temple on the West Bank at Luxor -- built on the flood plain little beyond the ground plan of the temple has survived -- a large limestone statue of King Amenhotep III was found. In 1972 it was moved to the Luxor Museum, and at some point during the short journey the left eye was chipped off the statue. Its whereabouts remained a mystery until 2006 when it reappeared in an exhibition shown at the Museum of Antiquities and Ludwig Collection (MALC) in Basel, Switzerland.
Zahi Hawass, secretary-general of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, told Al-Ahram Weekly that after being removed from the statue the eye was smuggled out of Egypt and fell into the hands of an American antiquities dealer called Norbert Shem. It was subsequently sold to a German antiquities dealer who lent it to MALC.
Negotiations for the return of the eye began in December 2006.
I found the link to the articals site here:
Another photo and link: http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/phar/ho_56.138.htm#

Thursday, September 25, 2008
Star Like Object In The Sky.
A plane went by later.. it had blinking lights, you can tell it was a plane, this other thing left us wondering. It was my kids who came in to get me. I sent my son for the camera and it just blinked out after about a minute, give or take a few seconds. There have been other sightings of the same sort all over it seems.
Keep your eyes open for these traveling stars.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
The Lost Book Of Enki Playlist
The Lost Book of Enki: Memoirs and Prophecies of an Extraterrestrial god
by Zecharia Sitchin.
Parts missing of video collection: Ch.1 1-6, Ch.1 2-6, ch.10 6-7, ch.12 2-6, 3-6,
4-6, 5-6, 6-6
I suggest buying the book it is very good! I think it's the best book I ever read!!!
Zecharia Sitchin's WebSite:
For Sale on Amazon:
The Lost Book of Enki: Memoirs and Prophecies of an Extraterrestrial god
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Found: Planet orbiting distant star

U of T researchers capture image of planet orbiting distant star
Planet-hunting astronomers at the University of Toronto say they have taken a picture of a rare sight - a planet orbiting a star outside our solar system.
15/09/2008 8:59:02 PM
CBC News
Astronomers David Lafreniere, Ray Jayawardhana and Marten van Kerkwijk made their finding after doing a survey of 80 stars taken using the Gemini North telescope on the summit of Mauna Kea in Hawaii. Their findings, which have been submitted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Letters, have been posted online on Cornell University's arXiv website.
Read More "HERE"
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Enigma - Turn Around (with lyrics)
Turn around and you will see
Life is like a roundabout
A kind of LSD
Turn around have faith in all the changes
Turn around and you will feel
No more age of loneliness
You are a part of me
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Far Flung Earth
Something happened that sent us hurtling through space. The ocean waves became extremely restless, people hurried about. I was living or staying in an old shack of a house, really falling apart, the floors were about to give out. I was searching for things I needed to bring with me, but mostly my boots. At one point someone asked what was happening, I told them we had been knocked out of orbit and flung further out into space and pointed out the stars whizzing past us at a pretty unusual speed. Just then the ocean waves froze in place, it was as though time stopped.
I was made aware the alien crafts where approaching and that we needed to get to a certain check point to meet them and be taken to safety. I was still wondering about my boots. When I woke up from the dream, I had the idea to search on the Internet for any connection, I searched for (boots constellation, stars and space)this is the first link I came upon:
Exiled Stars: Milky Way Boots Members
I found this very interesting. Another note on my dream... it was a little worrisome, but I wasn't afraid.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Jedi Lightsaber/THX 1138 & NASA!
I find it SPOOKY ... when he says that the launch time had to be at 11:38 to commemorate George Lucas's 1st film, THX 1138!
You can watch it all on youtube.
Here is the trailer!

It was filmed the year I was born, 1971.
THX 1138 on WIKI:
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Ron Paul Revolution!
This is amazing! Vote Ron Paul!
If he doesn't win, thats proof positive
there was never a choice to begin with!
Stop being a product of the masters!
For Canadians: http://www.canadianactionparty.ca
Monday, September 1, 2008
Craft Appearance on Oct 14th 2008?
Friday, August 29, 2008
Project Camelot interviews Michael St Clair
Zen of Stars: Michael St Clair, Futurist and Visionary
Montreux, Switzerland, September 2006
Project Camelot had the great pleasure of interviewing Michael St Clair, a reknowned futurist and visionary, at the magical Chateau de Chillon in Montreux. St Clair has written a book called Zen of Stars that addresses the transformations and earth changes which are coming in the next few years.
As he says: "We are psychic beings inhabiting a physical reality." St Clair is a synthesist who covers areas as diverse as astrology, astronomy, cosmology and the evolution of the human soul. Inspired by the work of Krishnamurti, he talks about the future of the planet Earth and our growing awareness that is launching us into an enlightened view of the merging of realities.
His work centers around the notion of the growth of small communities and safe places -- where those who wish to ride out the coming years can live true to their ideals while maintaining the calm necessary to be ports of shelter to those around us.
Project Camelot
Light Seeds Foundation (Michael St. Clair)
Futuretalk 2: a Conversation with Michael St.Clair
Part 2:
Please Visit Michael St. Clair's Wonderful Website LIGHT SEEDS @:
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
One Of My Top of the list groups of interest, has a new message board!
I have been a member for years and am also happy to be one of the moderators.
We are a very socialble friendly bunch and welcome new & serious seekers of the truth. Please have a visit and feel free to join! ~ Jen

Tuesday, August 19, 2008
About Me Re-Post
About Me:
One of the reasons I began joining, working with and creating groups and sites, searching for answers about UFOs and beings from other planets, was because of my own Strange Encounters.
I have been seeking answers for over 30 years. I am still searching and suspect I will always be searching for one answer after another, from this life into the next.
I am trying to figure out the best way for me to express my opinion without adding to more confusion on the subject matter at hand.
I am not an investigator, or scientist, or a great writer... I am a stay home mom who has had a really strange life, and an armchair researcher with a very odd obsession... Aliens or Star People you could say.
My experiences are average to some, fantastic to others but mostly difficult for the everyday person to believe or understand. Some want to believe, some don't, some won't, some can't, others just know... they are out there, and they are here, and we need to meet them in peace, love and understanding.
The truth needs to come out now, because we have been totally taken for a ride, we need to make a massive change across the globe.
It's actually very simple to make a change, and yet it's not because, some want to believe, some don't, some won't, some think they can't, while others just know and wait and try to aid in the awakening while fighting off fear from all directions and trying not to loose sight in the process.
There is so much disinformation out there; I am trying to make sense of it all myself, trying to separate fact from fiction, its a thin Vail reality is.
Fear is what we are all up against, not an alien invasion... it's our own people using mind control, brainwashing, manipulation and lies to dumb us down and turn us into slaves, hide the truth from us, and I think... they intend to make us fear anything that is truly spiritual and wonderful, including the truth about ourselves and off world Beings.
Honestly, as much as I long for the truth... if an alien walked in here right now I would be really frightened, but I think it is only because I have been programmed that way, to be afraid... but I really don't think they are negative at all... at least not all of them.
I live in Quebec, in Canada, & was born in Montreal in 1971. I was adopted and reunited at 25 with my biological family which gave me confirmation that my experiences where hereditary and real.
I am beginning to uncover some interesting things about my past, my life and my destiny.
I feel that even though my experiences were traumatic, they helped me to grow and open up to new ideas and a realization of self, the ability to separate God from religion and to fit aliens into the great tapestry of life and my conscience reality.
I know some may surf in and think... what's she all on about... but I just hope people will keep an open mind and really do some research into what is going on here. You can't just scratch the surface on this, you need to dig deep, and even deeper into yourselves.
I am looking into the possibility of hypnotherapy to get to the bottom of some of my experiences.
I am waiting to hear back from The Quebecoise Association of Ufology.
I had also gone to see a psychologist, she told me some stuff, & said I am not crazy. We had done some tests and she thinks maybe it is possible something happened to me, but nothing she could write on her report.
For now, I will try to write about the things that happened to me, and my thoughts on what is going on, and how I feel about different people in the main stream & their views on the alien topic, and of course any dreams or experiences I may have in the future.
Such a wonderful planet we have, lets not let it go to hell, lets wake up and do something, even if it is just giving a nudge & awakening the person next to us, one soul at a time.
Brightest Blessings!
~ Jenigma
Adopted Abductee
Is it possible I was taken for some purpose, some experiment?
There is some question about which types of psychological experiments my grandfather endured before, during and after returning from 6 years in a prison camp in Japan. I was told the military was always trying to get him to participate in their little experiments and he often refused and said things like, I won’t be their guinea pig.
His father was an occultist and healer, very close with the Native American people. He is said to have had the ability to stop bleeding, owned some magic books, and spoke in tongues.
I am also told he burnt all of his magic books for some unknown reason, that something frightened him.
My grandfather often spoke of the dark hooded figure, but I did not meet my grandfather till I was 25. Many people in my biological family are psychic in some form or another, it is in the genes. I had seen the dark cloaked figure many times as a teen, during sleep paralysis.
All these things and a life time of oddity makes you wonder, so I have seen a psychologist.
I told the psychologist that I believe it is possible that my adoption was part of an experiment, that maybe someone wanted to find out if this seemingly hereditary trait (being drawn to the occult and having certain abilities, is actually passed down by generation or if it is something which is an environmental factor.
The psychologist said to me, yes that was done. There were a high number of babies being put up for adoption in the mid 50's-80's and psychologists did take advantage of that situation. They arranged adoptions I guess and placed children in homes of a completely different culture and environment and watched their development to see if they would present character traits of their biological family. Nature vs Nurture, something like that.
I did some research on this; its awful... this era in Canada and the U.S. is known as The Baby Scoop Era. Young women and their families were brainwashed by "Adoption Professionals" Their rights were kept from them and the mothers were subjected to psychological torture, and then their babies Taken!!!
For more information and help if you are adopted or a mother who has given a child up for adoption visit Origins Canada.
Now, it comes to my attention that after WWII ended in 1945, Nazi and German Scientists were snuck into Canada and the U.S. under Project Paperclip. Isn't it funny that the Baby Scoop Era began just after that.
I guess from reading about this "Baby Scoop" era, I feel I really was abducted in some sense, as it was not my mothers wish to give me up, I was taken by use of brainwashing and manipulation as to fill the pockets of some money hungry baby brokers. As well as for a possible experiment in genetics and the occult?
Are aliens involved??? I don't know, I don't know what to think anymore... but that it is true many of my experiences involved a little troll like creature, a hooded figure and sleep paralysis, nightmares and dreams of the devil, out of body experiences, low frequency sounds, sensitivity to invisible forces, strange lights outside my bedroom window, being electrocuted in my bed, being switched off and once seeing a picture of Jesus turn into a skull on the wall of a chalet we had rented when I was about 5 or 6. The next day my mothers hair caught on fire as she went to light a gas stove.
I had also seen a ghostly woman in white vanish before my eyes and had a very philosophical mind as a young girl.
There is also the night I was concieved... my biological parents had an encounter with a strange man in a pick up truck on their way into the woods to camp. He didn't have a normal human appearance.
My greatest fear was revealed when I went years ago for an energy balancing, it was the Earths destruction! Since childhood I have been shown images in dreams of great floods and disasters, I am in tune with the Earth in such a way that I feel so much of what mankind is doing to the planet and I fear that more then I fear any demon or alien or black budget military op.
Mind conrol in Canada (Montreal) on The Hour
Todays Thought!
We cannot resist the tide, we are the tide, and we are the mystical ocean of creation. ~ Jen
Monday, August 18, 2008
Edgar Mitchell UFO interview on Kerrang Radio 23 july 2008
We are not alone.
Edgar Mitchell talks about his UFO experiences
and what he knows for certain.
New UFO & Paranormal Message Board
One Of My Top of the list groups of interest, has a new message board!
I have been a member for years and am also happy to be one of the moderators.
We are a very socialble friendly bunch and welcome new & serious seekers of the truth. Please have a visit and feel free to join! ~ Jen

A New Roswell?
A large object with a turquoise hue plummeted out of the sky earlier this summer and plowed into the earth south of Las Vegas. Eyewitnesses say this was no meteorite, especially since a bunch of helicopters hauled it away. Chief Investigative Reporter George Knapp has the story.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Monday, May 12, 2008
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Tell The World: Dr Dan Burisch
Tell The World: Dr Dan Burisch Pt 1.
Tell The World: Dr Dan Burisch Pt 2.
Tell The World: Dr Dan Burisch Part 3.
Tell The World: Dr Dan Burisch Part 4.
Tell The World: Dr Dan Burisch Part 5.
Tell The World: Dr Dan Burisch Part 6.
Tell The World: Dr Dan Burisch Part 7.
Tell The World: Dr Dan Burisch Part 8.
Tell The World: Dr Dan Burisch Part 9.
Tell The World: Dr Dan Burisch Part 10.(Final)
Monday, March 17, 2008
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Friday, March 7, 2008
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Co-Creation - Heaven on Earth
Things to make a schizotypal go hmmmmmm?!!!!
Co-Creation - Heaven on Earth in the movies!
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Schizotypal Personality
Have I been caught up in some sort of occult experiment, been brainwashed and mind controlled? Has some evil force taken over the world & infiltrated our governments?
Is the majority of the world asleep????
What is reality anyways and do my questions and beliefs along with my experiences and the years of digging and research all boil down too a personality disorder... or something else?
I guess that all depends on your perspective.
With all the different religions and belief systems out there, all the philosophical ideas, all the diversity of awareness, all the scientific research into the unknown and government research and departments devoted to the study of parapsychology, remote viewing and psychic warfare... well, I don't really think my beliefs mean I have a personality disorder!
Obviously being isolated from others who share the same ideas has been difficult, along with the experiences I had on the physical and subconscious level, but I am pleased too have an alternative view of the world.
The part which has caused me the greatest pain and difficulty keeping my chin up has been the lack of support and understanding from people around me as I was growing up, concerning my curiosity towards my own spirituality and my unique perceptions of the world around me.
I grew up with a great deal of anxiety and feelings of being isolated from normal reality and very alone.
I will write more on this later, for now there is a household to run.
I will end with this link I found to be of great interest due to my new diagnosis.
Do you believe in UFOs and alien abductions? You may be suffering from the Schizotypal Personality Disorder.
TTFN! ~ Jenn
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Pabos Quebec (Photos)
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Karla Turner
You can read her books on-line for FREE!
Into The Fringe, Masquerade Of Angels & Taken: Inside The Alien Human Agenda
You can also watch her very important lectures she gave before her unfortunate death.
Dr. Karla Turner died of cancer on January 10, 1996, after being threatened for her work. She was just 48. Since then, several other people involved in UFO investigation have also experienced threats followed by highly unusual cancers. ~ http://www.karlaturner.org/
There is tons of information for abductees to concider on the Karlar Turner website.
It is not about makeing money, it is about getting the truth out and help for the experiencers.
Please fell free to leave comments here on what you think about the subject and the information presented. There is much to think about!
PEACE! ~ Jenn